The Biggest Difference Between BFA and MFA

I want to share the biggest difference between BFA and an MFA. As an artist who attended both a BFA and MFA program for Fine Arts I want to share some of the differences and similarities between both of the programs. Learn the biggest difference between BFA and an MFA by reading more below! 

The Biggest Difference Between a BFA and an MFA Program 

The biggest difference between a BFA and an MFA is the level of independence you have as a student. In both programs as you move throughout the years from a first year student to a senior in your final year there is more independence. This level of independence is to prepare you for the “real world.” So, that you can be successful in whatever path you choose as an artist- whether it be having exhibitions, applying to grants, teaching at a college or workshops, working at an art gallery etc. 

With an MFA program in particular, you apply knowing you have a plan in place. In many MFA applications you create a letter of intent stating what you intend to do while in the MFA program. In your letter of intent you might explain what you plan on researching, what techniques you want to try, what installation methods you want to try and what your goals are for taking the program. What type of artist do you want to be? What do you hope to get out of the MFA program?

If you are needing help writing your letter of intent you can check out my one on one coaching and I am happy to review your letter of intent in an hour or half hour coaching session. 

Click the button below to book a coaching session with me! 

Download 10 FREE Tips for creating an art portfolio that stands out! 

Other Differences Between BFA and MFA programs:


An MFA program is usually more research focused. There are more papers you need to write as a student and more required and suggested readings. Required readings are assigned by a professor in a class - often you are graded on participation and a written response in relation to the assigned reading. 

Suggested readings are given to you by your professor or a visiting lecturer as a reading you should look into that will help you develop as an artist. The suggested readings might be based on a technique you use, an artist working in a similar style or medium (either a contemporary artist or an artist from history), or based on the subject matter you are making art about.  These readings might get suggested to you during a critique or while meeting with your professor.

Both types of reading are valuable and help you really develop the way you talk and write about your work. 

You can read more about my MFA time at Concordia University by clicking here. 

You can read more about my BFA time at Lakehead University by clicking here. 


In a BFA program, especially the first three years there are a lot of different types of projects. While the projects get more open ended as you progress through your BFA they do start specific. The reason for this is to encourage you to experiment and push yourself and your art. The professors want to challenge you and to help you figure out what art you want to make and why you want to make it. Why does it matter? What does your art communicate?

In an MFA there are little to no guided projects. You are in charge of managing your time and creating what you want to work on. That’s why having a clear letter of intent and clear goals are so important in an MFA.

Due Dates 

In a BFA program there are clear due dates, there are more check ins and in progress critiques. In an MFA there are still deadlines but you need stronger time management skills to be able to manage deadlines. There is less feedback of work in progress as you are often working on art at home or in your studio. There is little to no class time to work on your art in an MFA whereas in a BFA you have some class time so professors can give you timely feedback. 

These are some of the biggest differences between a BFA and MFA program. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about these programs. 

Click the button below if you would like help with your art portfolio application to a BFA or MFA program! 

Join the waitlist below for my NEW art portfolio course for high school students applying to a college or university art program! 

Basement Art Studio Tips and Tour

I want to take you on a behind the scenes look at my basement art studio. If you are thinking about having a basement art studio -here are some tips for you! To learn more about my basement art studio and see pictures, keep reading! 

Tips for Having a Basement Art Studio

Here are some tips for having a basement art studio and what you need to consider when planning your studio. 

Store Artwork Safely 

In a basement especially it can be a space that is prone to water damage or flooding. You want to consider how you will store your work to ensure it is protected. For example, You should store it off the ground on a shelf ideally in a waterproof container. If you are working with expensive art supplies or supplies that might get damaged like paper you might want to consider how you store those supplies in your basement art studio too!

Consider the Lighting

Light is very important for artists. Basements tend to be very dark, so you will want to consider where the brightest spots to work will be and possibly where to add extra lighting. In my basement art studio I am lucky to have two large windows. By those windows is where I have set up my desks to work. At the back of the studio where you first enter by the staircase it is a lot more dark and that is where I have set up storage. 

Plan the Zones in Your Studio

Having a home studio can be challenging and it is easy for it to become a storage area and not a functional art studio. Before you start moving furniture it is helpful to plan where to place large items and what zones you will need in your studio. Here is a list of possible zones for you basement art studio:

  • Art supply storage - could be grouped in categories if you use multiple supplies 

  • A place for messy art - could also think about different zones if you are working with different supplies 

  • A place for cleaner art 

  • A place to store finished art 

  • A place to ship art if you sell art online 

  • A place to display or photograph artwork 

  • An office area 

  • A place to film or record things if needed

Tour of my Basement Art Studio

Here are some photos of my basement art studio and how I have decided to set things up. I am an artist working with mixed media. I do acrylic painting, paper making, sewing, cyanotypes and some drawing. I have added some storage of final projects and a wood shop work bench for building things and completing any home renovation projects. 

I hope you have found these tips and photos helpful for planning your basement art studio. Connect with me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below! 

How to Make a New Year Routine

Creating a new year routine can help you start the year on a positive note and establish healthy habits that can contribute to your overall well-being and productivity. A new year routine is essential for artists because it helps you get clear on what you want and what projects you should take on during the year. Here are some steps to help you create a new year routine:

How to Create a New Year Routine

  • Reflect on the Previous Year: Take some time to reflect on the previous year. Consider what worked well for you, what you would like to improve, and what you want to achieve in the upcoming year.

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your goals for the year ahead. Whether they are personal, professional, or health-related, having clear goals will provide you with a sense of direction and purpose.

  • Establish Priorities: Determine your priorities for the year and identify the areas of your life that require the most attention. Focus on what matters most to you and allocate time and resources accordingly.

  • Create a Daily Schedule: Develop a daily schedule that incorporates activities aligned with your goals and priorities. Include time for work, exercise, relaxation, hobbies, personal development, and social activities. Make sure to allocate time for self-care and relaxation to avoid burnout.

  • Start with Small Changes: Implement small changes gradually to ease into your new routine. Trying to overhaul your entire routine at once can be overwhelming and may not be sustainable in the long run. Begin with manageable adjustments and gradually build upon them.

  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to the success of any routine. Stick to your schedule as much as possible, even on days when you don't feel motivated. Consistent practice will help you form positive habits and make your routine more effective over time.

  • Stay Flexible: While consistency is important, it's also essential to remain flexible and adaptable. Be open to making adjustments to your routine as necessary to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or changes in your priorities.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority in your routine. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and take time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a healthy and sustainable routine.

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your progress regularly to assess how well your routine is working for you. Keep track of your achievements, challenges, and areas for improvement. This will help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your routine as you progress throughout the year.

  • Stay Positive and Persistent: Be patient with yourself as you adapt to your new routine. Stay positive and persistent, even if you encounter obstacles or setbacks along the way. Remember that creating a new routine takes time, effort, and dedication.

By following these steps, you can create a new year routine that promotes productivity, balance, and overall well-being, setting you up for a successful and fulfilling year ahead as an artist.

Why Should You Have a New Year Routine as an Artist?

Having a new year routine can be particularly beneficial for artists for several reasons:

  • Consistent Practice: A routine helps artists establish a regular practice schedule, which is crucial for honing their skills and improving their craft. Regular practice can lead to significant artistic growth and development over time.

  • Time Management: A structured routine enables artists to manage their time effectively. By allocating specific time slots for different artistic activities such as creating art, researching, and networking, artists can ensure they make progress on their projects without feeling overwhelmed or unorganized.

  • Enhanced Creativity: While routine might sound restrictive, it can actually foster a conducive environment for creativity. By setting aside dedicated time for creative exploration and experimentation, artists can encourage their imaginative processes to flow more freely.

  • Establishing Discipline: Following a routine fosters discipline, which is essential for any artist looking to make consistent progress in their work. Discipline helps artists stay focused, motivated, and dedicated to their craft, even during times when inspiration might be lacking.

  • Goal Achievement: A well-structured routine can assist artists in achieving their artistic goals. By incorporating specific milestones and tasks into their routine, artists can make steady progress toward their creative ambitions throughout the year.

  • Balancing Artistic and Personal Life: A routine can help artists strike a balance between their artistic pursuits and personal life. By setting clear boundaries and allocating time for rest, relaxation, and other non-artistic activities, artists can prevent burnout and maintain their overall well-being.

  • Building Momentum: Following a routine can create a sense of momentum and consistency in an artist's practice. This regularity can help artists build momentum and maintain a steady pace of progress, which is essential for sustained artistic growth and success.

  • Stress Reduction: Having a routine in place can reduce stress and anxiety associated with the uncertainty of artistic careers. Knowing that there is a structured plan in place can provide a sense of security and stability, allowing artists to focus more on their creative process.

By incorporating a well-thought-out routine into their daily lives, artists can enhance their productivity, creativity, and overall well-being, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and fulfillment in their artistic endeavors.

Be sure to follow me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below! I’d love to know what your new year routine looks like!

Goal Setting for Artists Tips

Goal setting for artists tips and tricks will help you set and define realistic goals for your art business or practice. Goal setting for artists is a great habit to get into at the start or end of the year but also to refer to your art goals every quarter. Read below to learn more about goal setting for artists! 

Why is Goal Setting Important for Artists?

Goal setting is crucial for artists for several reasons:

  • Direction and Focus: Setting goals helps artists clarify what they want to achieve and where they want their artistic endeavors to lead them. It provides a clear direction and keeps them focused on the specific milestones they need to reach.

  • Motivation and Inspiration: Having well-defined goals can inspire and motivate artists to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. Goals provide a sense of purpose and drive, helping artists to stay committed to their craft even during challenging times.

  • Measurable Progress: Setting goals with measurable outcomes allows artists to track their progress. This not only helps them assess their growth over time but also provides a sense of accomplishment as they reach each milestone.

  • Professional Development: Goals can serve as a roadmap for an artist's professional development. By setting achievable goals, artists can work on enhancing their skills, expanding their portfolio, and building a strong artistic identity.

  • Time Management: Setting specific deadlines and time-bound goals encourages artists to manage their time effectively. This can improve their productivity and ensure that they are consistently working towards their desired outcomes.

  • Accountability and Responsibility: When artists set goals, they hold themselves accountable for their own progress and success. This sense of responsibility can encourage them to take ownership of their artistic journey and strive to achieve the best possible results.

  • Personal Growth: Goal setting can promote personal growth and self-improvement. As artists strive to achieve their goals, they often develop new skills, overcome challenges, and gain valuable insights that contribute to their overall development as individuals and professionals.

  • Long-term Vision: Setting long-term goals helps artists envision their desired future and create a roadmap for achieving their artistic aspirations. This broader perspective enables them to make informed decisions and take actions that align with their ultimate artistic vision.

Goal Setting for Artists Tips

How to Set Goals as Artists

Goal setting can be a crucial component for any artist looking to progress in their craft and career. Here are some tips to help you set effective goals as an artist:

  • Define Your Vision: Start by defining your long-term vision. What do you want to achieve in your career as an artist? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years? Having a clear vision will guide your goal-setting process.

  • Set Specific Goals: Make sure your goals are clear and well-defined. Rather than setting a broad goal like "become a better painter," set specific, achievable goals like "complete three oil paintings by the end of the month" or "learn a new painting technique by attending a workshop."

  • Make Your Goals Measurable: Include quantifiable aspects in your goals so that you can track your progress. For instance, set a goal to sell a certain number of artworks, participate in a specific number of exhibitions, or gain a certain number of followers on your social media platforms.

  • Set Realistic and Achievable Goals: While it's good to challenge yourself, it's important to set goals that are attainable within a specific time frame. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and demotivation.

  • Break Down Your Goals: Divide your long-term goals into smaller, manageable milestones. This will make it easier to track your progress and keep you motivated. For instance, if your long-term goal is to have a solo exhibition, your smaller goals could include creating a body of work, securing a venue, and marketing the event.

  • Create a Timeline: Set deadlines for your goals to create a sense of urgency and accountability. Having a timeline will help you stay focused and organized in your efforts.

  • Prioritize Your Goals: Identify which goals are most important to you and prioritize them accordingly. Focus on goals that will have the most significant impact on your artistic development and career.

  • Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting your goals as needed. As you progress and circumstances change, you may need to revise your goals to stay aligned with your vision.

  • Seek Feedback and Support: Share your goals with trusted mentors, fellow artists, or a supportive community. Their feedback and encouragement can provide valuable insights and help you stay motivated.

  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Celebrating your successes will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset.


Want to go to art school but unsure how to create an amazing art portfolio that gets you accepted into your dream program. Click the button below to join my waitlist and be the first to hear about my course!

Remember, goal setting is a dynamic process that requires regular review and adjustment. Stay committed to your goals, stay focused, and keep striving for improvement.

Click on one of the icons below to connect with me on social media and let me know what your goals are this year!

Click here to download my FREE guide with 10 tips for creating your art portfolio for school applications!

Goals for 2024

Each year I complete goals for my art business. Here are my goals for 2024 focused on the fine art side of my art business. I have two parts of my art business: a side on art education and a side on my artist/fine art side. Read more to learn about my goals for 2024!  What are your goals for 2024?

Last year I was over ambitious when it came to my goals. I was pregnant and had my son in April 2023. I was more tired than I expected and wasn’t able to achieve a lot of the goals I wanted. We also bought our first home and moved in while I was nine months pregnant. So, 2023 was a very busy year to say the least! 

This year, my goals for 2024 I want to be more realistic in what I want to achieve now that I know how much work a baby and new house bring. 

Here are my goals for 2024! 

  • 2000 people on my email list 

  • Run ads to market business 

  • Take my business full time by making more money than I did as a teacher 

  • Offer cyanotype commissions

  • Have 2-5 exhibitions 

  • Receive 1-2 artist grants 

  • Growing my fine art Instagram to 1000 followers

  • Participate in 1-2 art markets 

  • Get my artwork or prints in a local shop

  • Take more photos from the series Patched and Tree Houses 

Sometimes it helps to dream a little. If I set goals too easy I might get bored and not put the effort in to make them happen. It can be hard to have the balance of goals being too hard or too simple. This year I want to work on focusing on implementing and getting things done. Even just a couple small things add up and make the difference over time. 

Click on one of the icons below to follow me on social media and let me know if you found this post helpful! All the best in 2024! 

Related Articles: 

2023 goals

Art goals

Review of 2023

2023 was a busy year for us. Here is my review of 2023. Learn about my busy year and review of 2023 below! In this review of 2023 I will go over the goals I made for 2023 related to art goals, personal, business and family goals.

Review of 2023- My Thoughts

We had our baby in April 2023 and bought our first home around the same time. I moved into our home while my baby was seven weeks old. We now live a few hours away from family and I am understanding that things take a lot longer with a baby. My goals for 2023 were ambitious and I would say over ambitious. I know I may not have hit them all or some but it has helped me get clear of what I want. 

My Goals for 2023 with a Review of 2023 

Business Goals for 2023

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list.

I didn’t quite hit this goal but I will be working even harder on building my email list in 2024. 

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list.

I didn’t get around to doing this but will in 2024. 

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art. 

I created over 100 products in my TPT store and was happy with this given how busy 2023 was! 

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge.

I haven’t put a focus on Society6 and didn’t create any new designs.

Art Goals for 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork. 

I didn’t have time to apply for grants this year. 

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year. 

I had two exhibitions this year and was happy with that. 

I want to set up a new studio in my new house.

I got it set up. I still want to continue to organize it and do little things like make it look pretty. 

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year. 

I didn’t have time to make cyanotypes this year since my son was born in the spring. 

Social Media Goals for 2023

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart

I gained over 1000 followers on @jackiepartridgeart and I am still working on growing @jackiepartridge_ .

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art 

With my son being born and moving I didn’t put out new videos from July 2023-November 2023. I will be working a bit harder on YouTube in 2024. 

Revenue Goals for 2023

I want to have consistent 3-4 figure months of sales on TPT.

I have had more consistent 3 figure months on TPT this year. 

I want to do 2 art markets and I want to get my artwork into a local shop. 

I did not have time to do either of these. 

Personal Goals for 2023

I want to make healthy food choices. 

I want to go for a walk daily. 

I have done these and feel really good postpartum. 

Family Goals for 2023

I want to go on a hike monthly and enjoy time in nature with my family a couple of times a month. I want to visit with family or friends once a month. I want to plan a family vacation or a couple of small getaways. I want to have a date night once a month when the baby is old enough. 

It has been hard to go hiking or on vacations. We have been seeing family and friends regularly so that has been nice. 

Overall Review of 2023 

As you can see my review of 2023 is not impressive. Did I hit some goals for sure. Did I hit a lot? No. I am still proud of all the life accomplishments we have achieved like buying our first home, moving and having a baby. These are milestones that take a lot of time, energy and patience. I am happy for the mom and wife I am. I am looking forward to hitting my 2024 goals this year. 

Even if you don’t hit your goals - you are not a failure. Sometimes life has better things in store for you! 

Be sure to follow me on social media below by clicking on one of the icons! 

review of 2023

How Do I Promote my Art?

How do I promote my art? As an artist it is very important to not only make art but to promote it. Otherwise people will not know that you have art to offer. To learn how do I promote my art, keep reading! 

7 Ways for How Do I Promote my Art 

Here are 7 ways to help you answer - How do I promote my art?


Pinterest isn’t just social media, it is a search engine. Pinterest is actually the number one way I drive traffic to my website. I have pins that are three years old and are still getting lots of views and clicks to my website. Pinterest helps people to sign up to mailing list and to purchase art from me. 

Social Media -Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

Social media is important in growing your audience, but it is not a place I actively spend a lot of time to promote my art. I use social media as a way to connect with my audience and to encourage people to sign up for my mailing list. 80% of the time I post about me, about inspiration or about the process or other free content I have like painting tips and tutorials. The other 20% and sometimes less I will directly tell people that I sell things and they should buy them. 

Email List 

I send emails to my list consistently and this is where I then share helpful tips like on social media but I share what I sell and promote my art occasionally like when I offer a sale or I have new art collections. 

You can join my mailing list below by filling out the the form to see how I promote my art first hand you can join my mailing list by filling out your information below to save 15% off artwork. 

Content -Blogs + YouTube

In blog posts and YouTube videos I share helpful content most of the time but I am able to link to art or art teaching resources that I sell. Sometimes I will create a blog post or a video specifically on something I sell. 


SEO stands for search engine optimization and it basically means that when someone is searching for something on Google, they can type in a keyword and websites appear. By adding keywords and content your website can be found easier. Having a website appear at the top of someone’s search results means that more people will click on your website and potentially purchase the art you are selling. 

Selling on Multiple Platforms 

If you only sell on your website or one place you have less chances of being found and making a sale. Whereas if you sell on different platforms like a website, Etsy, Amazon etc. there are more people or a specific audience of people that are visiting certain websites. Therefore you have more chances of being found and a wider audience of people who can connect to your work and see the art you are promoting.

In Person Events 

In person events like markets or exhibitions are a great way for people to get to know you and your art. You can leave business cards or encourage people to sign up for your mailing list. I have had lots of people purchase from me after an event because they took a business card and remember meeting me in person and seeing my art at an event. 

Art Promotion Tips

  • Be careful with paid opportunities to promote your artwork there are a lot of scams

  • You don’t need to pay for promotion wait until you are making significant money before spending money on ads or promoting a post on social media

Those are 7 simple ways to help you with the question of how do I promote my art?

Click the button below to check out my art shop! 

Where to Find Art Inspiration

Where to find art inspiration? It’s not a hard question because inspiration can literally be anything that captures your eye and sparks an idea. Art inspiration is all around, looking to be found. Keep reading to discover where to find art inspiration. 

Where to Find Art Inspiration

Here is a list of places and ideas that might help you in finding art inspiration. You can also read about how to find inspiration here!

  • Go for a walk

  • Go on a hike 

  • Walk by the water 

  • Drive somewhere new 

  • Travel somewhere 

  • Go on a walk and see where it takes you don’t plan a destination

  • Go through an art supply store and see what you are gravitated towards

  • Watch a different type of video or listen to a different type of music than you normally wouldn’t watch or listen to

  • Walk in a local farmer’s market to be inspired by new scents and new food 

  • Read a different type of book or magazine 

  • Take a look at a garden centre or nursery 

  • Take a walk through a forest 

  • Take time to meditate or day dream and see what you think of 

  • Set a timer and begin writing non-stop for 20 minutes to see what you write about

  • Go to a thrift store and see where you are gravitated to

  • Read some poetry 

  • Spend some time gardening 

  • Go to the beach 

  • Learn a new skill or technique on YouTube

  • Explore on Pinterest - you can follow me here 

Trying something new and outside of your comfort zone or routine can help you see a new experience and gain inspiration. It is important to keep an open mind and allow yourself to be present in the moment so that you can really experience art inspiration when it comes to you. 

Click here to download my FREE guide with 10 tips for creating your art portfolio for school applications!

Be sure to let me know where you found inspiration. Click on one of the icons below to connect with me on social media. 

where to find art inspiration

My Thoughts on Being an Artist Mom

My baby will be due soon and this is the first time I will be an artist mom. Being a mom will be difficult and tiring but being an artist mom has a different level. I have thought a lot about how I will balance being both an artist and mom during my pregnancy. Here are some thoughts and ideas about being an artist mom. 

Challenges of Being an Artist Mom

Here are some challenges of being an artist mom. I think it is good to think about what will be difficult and try to plan for it as best as possible. 

  • Being lonely

  • Being tired

  • Time management 

  • Not feeling like I am doing a good job in both being an artist or being a mom

  • Not accomplishing goals 

  • Being too hard on myself 

Ideas for How to Be an Artist Mom

My baby isn’t born yet but being an artist mom is something I am actively planning and thinking about. Here are some thoughts below. Of course take them with a grain of salt. I will report back to see what works and what doesn’t later! 

The Challenges and the Solution Ideas 

Being Lonely

Luckily I will have a couple of friends on maternity leave at the same time as me. I think it is nice to have a support system of moms going through a similar journey to help you not feel so alone. I also want to check in with my husband regularly to speak about how we are feeling since this is our first baby. I plan on meeting other moms at the library programs or in the community too. I will get involved with business and artist Facebook groups to help me feel less alone. 

Being Tired

Being tired is something I don’t think I can solve! I have been very tired during this pregnancy and I’m sure when the baby is here it will be x10 or x100? I plan on batching activities like cleaning, meal prep, business jobs in my art business, as well as asking for help. 

Time Management

I want to really use my planner and plan what are some goals I want accomplished each day, goals both in my art business and around the house. I plan on just choosing 3 things and maybe just one goal in the first few months. I also plan on batching similar tasks, asking my husband and other people for help.

Not feeling like I am doing a good job in both being an artist or being a mom

I think this one will be the hardest. I am definitely my worst critic. It’s also hard not to compare yourself to other moms or other artists. I will definitely lean in to my husband for support, I will have to cut back on projects and say no to some things and I’m sure I will have to choose how I am spending my time wisely. I also want to have a home studio so that I have opportunities, even just for 20 minutes during the day to make art. 

artist mom

Not accomplishing goals 

I love making goals and it is hard not to feel defeated when a goal isn’t reached. This year I need to be more realistic about my goals and the time I will have. I will need to ask for more help and I will need to say no to things so that I have more time. Not accomplishing my goals is also a fear that I have. I still want time to work on my goals so I think it will be important to try to find balance. 

Being too hard on myself 

I am extremely hard on myself. I am going to really have to make sure I am taking care of myself with self-care so that I don’t become burnt out or overwhelmed. That seems to be when I am hardest on myself. 

I hope these ideas are helpful and work out. I’m looking forward to my little one and this next chapter of my life being an artist mom! 

Follow along on my journey by clicking on one of the icons below!

My Maternity Leave Canada EI

How I am spending my maternity leave Canada EI. In April after Easter, I will be going on maternity leave in Canada with EI for my first child with my due date on May 5. I am taking a month off early because this is my first child and I don’t know what to expect. In Canada the maternity can be 18 months or 12 months. Learn more about my maternity leave Canada EI plans below!

maternity leave canada ei

During this time I want to prepare for the new baby and get the nursery ready and make sure that I am relaxed and fully comfortable. My husband and I are also moving 3 and half hours away, so we need to get the new house ready too! I have decided to take a maternity leave for 12 months. While on maternity leave, I will also be working on my art business. I hope to make new art education resources that I can sell in my teachers pay teachers shop as well as create new artwork that I can sell online. I also plan on creating new designs for my Society6 store And some new YouTube videos for my YouTube channel.

I also plan on applying to different art exhibitions and art grants. I know that these are probably ambitious goals but even if I’m working on my art business just 30 minutes a day I think that will really help progress my business. In the future, I would like to be a full-time artist working from home. I want to use this maternity leave to really propel my business forward.

Before taking my maternity leave, I want to have some pre-planning done in advance. I plan on having my blogs drafted and scheduled on both of my websites all the way until September. I also want to have YouTube videos scheduled all the way until September or October. I would like to have at least three weeks to four weeks of Pinterest pins scheduled in advance as well. This will allow me to have more time to focus on healing and spending precious time with my new baby .

In the first few months, I know that I won’t have a lot of time to work on my art, however, working on my art is a form of self-care and it’s really important to me. I want to make sure that I have my art supplies set up in my new studio, ready to go so I know that even if I only have a 20 minute break I have things already set up and ready. I am going to try to make sure that my studio stays clean and tidy so that I feel comfortable working in there and using the space more often. I’m going to make sure that I’m communicating with my husband and planning some time during the week, so I at least have one hour every week where I can be making art. My husband is really supportive and does a great job in helping with household chores and cooking which will give me more time to work on my artwork.

The maternity leave Canada EI is a nice option to be able to stay and bond with your baby while healing and adjusting to being a mom. Since this is my first time being a mom, I know it will be a big adjustment. I am grateful for the maternity leave Canada EI.

Follow me on social media to stay connected during this busy time! Click on one of the icons below!

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Mom

I have compiled a list of Valentine’s Day gift ideas for mom  to help you with getting mom something nice for Valentine’s Day!  Valentine’s Day is a great way not only to show the love for your partner but to show you care about your mom too. Here are some great Valentine’s Day gift ideas for mom! 

Some of the links mentioned in this post are affiliate links meaning I get a small commission for every purchase (It is the same price for you regardless of if you use my link or not).

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Mom

For the Mom with Great Taste! 

These gifts are for a mom who owns their own home and is looking to redecorate or turn a new house into a home. Original artwork helps to bring a design to completion and make a room something special where you enjoy spending your time. 

Click here to shop Original Handmade Paper Art 

Click here to shop Original Cyanotypes 

Click here to have a commission done by me

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Moms Who Like Stickers! 

Click here to see the round and oval Daisy Stickers 

For the Mom that is Hard to Buy for! 

Sometimes there are people that are hard to buy for! If you know someone who likes my art -consider getting them a gift card! You can purchase a gift card here for varying amounts! 

Valentine’s Day is about showing and telling people you care about that you love them. I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day this year and every year! 

Don’t forget to save 15% by signing up for my email list below! 

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Friends

I have compiled a list of Valentine’s Day gift ideas for friends to help you with getting a friend or family member something nice for Valentine’s Day!  Valentine’s Day is a great way not only to show the love for your partner but for people who are always there for you like your closest friends. Here are some great Valentine’s Day gift ideas for friends! 

Some of the links mentioned are affiliate links meaning I get a small bonus when a purchase is made (it’s the same price for you! )

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Friends

For the Friend with Great Taste! 

These gifts are for a best friend who owns their own home and is looking to redecorate or turn a new house into a home. Original artwork helps to bring a design to completion and make a room something special where you enjoy spending your time. 

Click here to shop Original Handmade Paper Art 

Click here to shop Original Cyanotypes 

Click here to have a commission done by me!

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Friends Who Like Coffee! 

Check out the Pine Coffee Mug

Check out the Palm Leaf Coffee Mug

Check out the Daisy Coffee Mug

For the Friend that Loves Clothes! 

Check out the Daisy T-shirt 

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Friends Who Enjoy a Sentimental Card! 

Check out the Daisy Cards!

 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Friends Who Like Stickers! 

Click here to see the round and oval Daisy Stickers 


For the Friend that is Hard to Buy for! 

Sometimes there are people that are hard to buy for! If you know someone who likes my art -consider getting them a gift card! You can purchase a gift card here for varying amounts! 

Valentine’s Day is about showing and telling people you care about that you love them. I wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day this year and every year! 

Don’t forget to save 15% by signing up for my email list below! 

Goals for 2023

I always like to make goals for myself each year. Here are my goals for 2023! I have divided my goals for 2023 into different categories. When I am making goals I try to be as specific as possible to help make the goals attainable. I want to be realistic with my goals so I know I can achieve them but I think there needs to be a stretch or a reach goal so you have to work for it. If a goal is too easy you won’t work for it and put the effort in. Below are my goals for 2023!

goals for 2023

Goals for 2023

Below are the different categories of goals for 2023! 

Business Goals for 2023

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list.

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list.

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art. 

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge.

Art Goals for 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork. 

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year. 

I want to set up a new studio in my new house.

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year. 

Social Media Goals for 2023

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art 

Revenue Goals for 2023

I want to have consistent 3-4 figure months of sales on TPT.

I want to be able to make my salary through my art business this year. 

I want to do 2 art markets.

I want to get my artwork into a local shop. 

Personal Goals for 2023

I want to make healthy food choices. 

I want to go for a walk daily. 

Family Goals for 2023

I want to go on a hike monthly and enjoy time in nature with my family a couple of times a month. I want to visit with family or friends once a month. I want to plan a family vacation or a couple of small getaways. I want to have a date night once a month when the baby is old enough. 

I hope you enjoyed my goals for 2023. I would love to know your goals for 2023! Let me know in the comments!

Related Articles:

Check out my goals from last year

Visit my YouTube Channel 

Visit my Society6 Store for art prints 

Visit my TPT store