Goal Setting for Artists Tips

Goal setting for artists tips and tricks will help you set and define realistic goals for your art business or practice. Goal setting for artists is a great habit to get into at the start or end of the year but also to refer to your art goals every quarter. Read below to learn more about goal setting for artists! 

Why is Goal Setting Important for Artists?

Goal setting is crucial for artists for several reasons:

  • Direction and Focus: Setting goals helps artists clarify what they want to achieve and where they want their artistic endeavors to lead them. It provides a clear direction and keeps them focused on the specific milestones they need to reach.

  • Motivation and Inspiration: Having well-defined goals can inspire and motivate artists to push themselves beyond their comfort zones. Goals provide a sense of purpose and drive, helping artists to stay committed to their craft even during challenging times.

  • Measurable Progress: Setting goals with measurable outcomes allows artists to track their progress. This not only helps them assess their growth over time but also provides a sense of accomplishment as they reach each milestone.

  • Professional Development: Goals can serve as a roadmap for an artist's professional development. By setting achievable goals, artists can work on enhancing their skills, expanding their portfolio, and building a strong artistic identity.

  • Time Management: Setting specific deadlines and time-bound goals encourages artists to manage their time effectively. This can improve their productivity and ensure that they are consistently working towards their desired outcomes.

  • Accountability and Responsibility: When artists set goals, they hold themselves accountable for their own progress and success. This sense of responsibility can encourage them to take ownership of their artistic journey and strive to achieve the best possible results.

  • Personal Growth: Goal setting can promote personal growth and self-improvement. As artists strive to achieve their goals, they often develop new skills, overcome challenges, and gain valuable insights that contribute to their overall development as individuals and professionals.

  • Long-term Vision: Setting long-term goals helps artists envision their desired future and create a roadmap for achieving their artistic aspirations. This broader perspective enables them to make informed decisions and take actions that align with their ultimate artistic vision.

Goal Setting for Artists Tips

How to Set Goals as Artists

Goal setting can be a crucial component for any artist looking to progress in their craft and career. Here are some tips to help you set effective goals as an artist:

  • Define Your Vision: Start by defining your long-term vision. What do you want to achieve in your career as an artist? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years? Having a clear vision will guide your goal-setting process.

  • Set Specific Goals: Make sure your goals are clear and well-defined. Rather than setting a broad goal like "become a better painter," set specific, achievable goals like "complete three oil paintings by the end of the month" or "learn a new painting technique by attending a workshop."

  • Make Your Goals Measurable: Include quantifiable aspects in your goals so that you can track your progress. For instance, set a goal to sell a certain number of artworks, participate in a specific number of exhibitions, or gain a certain number of followers on your social media platforms.

  • Set Realistic and Achievable Goals: While it's good to challenge yourself, it's important to set goals that are attainable within a specific time frame. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and demotivation.

  • Break Down Your Goals: Divide your long-term goals into smaller, manageable milestones. This will make it easier to track your progress and keep you motivated. For instance, if your long-term goal is to have a solo exhibition, your smaller goals could include creating a body of work, securing a venue, and marketing the event.

  • Create a Timeline: Set deadlines for your goals to create a sense of urgency and accountability. Having a timeline will help you stay focused and organized in your efforts.

  • Prioritize Your Goals: Identify which goals are most important to you and prioritize them accordingly. Focus on goals that will have the most significant impact on your artistic development and career.

  • Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting your goals as needed. As you progress and circumstances change, you may need to revise your goals to stay aligned with your vision.

  • Seek Feedback and Support: Share your goals with trusted mentors, fellow artists, or a supportive community. Their feedback and encouragement can provide valuable insights and help you stay motivated.

  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Celebrating your successes will help you stay motivated and maintain a positive mindset.


Want to go to art school but unsure how to create an amazing art portfolio that gets you accepted into your dream program. Click the button below to join my waitlist and be the first to hear about my course!

Remember, goal setting is a dynamic process that requires regular review and adjustment. Stay committed to your goals, stay focused, and keep striving for improvement.

Click on one of the icons below to connect with me on social media and let me know what your goals are this year!

Click here to download my FREE guide with 10 tips for creating your art portfolio for school applications!

Review of 2023

2023 was a busy year for us. Here is my review of 2023. Learn about my busy year and review of 2023 below! In this review of 2023 I will go over the goals I made for 2023 related to art goals, personal, business and family goals.

Review of 2023- My Thoughts

We had our baby in April 2023 and bought our first home around the same time. I moved into our home while my baby was seven weeks old. We now live a few hours away from family and I am understanding that things take a lot longer with a baby. My goals for 2023 were ambitious and I would say over ambitious. I know I may not have hit them all or some but it has helped me get clear of what I want. 

My Goals for 2023 with a Review of 2023 

Business Goals for 2023

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list.

I didn’t quite hit this goal but I will be working even harder on building my email list in 2024. 

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list.

I didn’t get around to doing this but will in 2024. 

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art. 

I created over 100 products in my TPT store and was happy with this given how busy 2023 was! 

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge.

I haven’t put a focus on Society6 and didn’t create any new designs.

Art Goals for 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork. 

I didn’t have time to apply for grants this year. 

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year. 

I had two exhibitions this year and was happy with that. 

I want to set up a new studio in my new house.

I got it set up. I still want to continue to organize it and do little things like make it look pretty. 

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year. 

I didn’t have time to make cyanotypes this year since my son was born in the spring. 

Social Media Goals for 2023

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart

I gained over 1000 followers on @jackiepartridgeart and I am still working on growing @jackiepartridge_ .

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art 

With my son being born and moving I didn’t put out new videos from July 2023-November 2023. I will be working a bit harder on YouTube in 2024. 

Revenue Goals for 2023

I want to have consistent 3-4 figure months of sales on TPT.

I have had more consistent 3 figure months on TPT this year. 

I want to do 2 art markets and I want to get my artwork into a local shop. 

I did not have time to do either of these. 

Personal Goals for 2023

I want to make healthy food choices. 

I want to go for a walk daily. 

I have done these and feel really good postpartum. 

Family Goals for 2023

I want to go on a hike monthly and enjoy time in nature with my family a couple of times a month. I want to visit with family or friends once a month. I want to plan a family vacation or a couple of small getaways. I want to have a date night once a month when the baby is old enough. 

It has been hard to go hiking or on vacations. We have been seeing family and friends regularly so that has been nice. 

Overall Review of 2023 

As you can see my review of 2023 is not impressive. Did I hit some goals for sure. Did I hit a lot? No. I am still proud of all the life accomplishments we have achieved like buying our first home, moving and having a baby. These are milestones that take a lot of time, energy and patience. I am happy for the mom and wife I am. I am looking forward to hitting my 2024 goals this year. 

Even if you don’t hit your goals - you are not a failure. Sometimes life has better things in store for you! 

Be sure to follow me on social media below by clicking on one of the icons! 

review of 2023

Goals for 2023

I always like to make goals for myself each year. Here are my goals for 2023! I have divided my goals for 2023 into different categories. When I am making goals I try to be as specific as possible to help make the goals attainable. I want to be realistic with my goals so I know I can achieve them but I think there needs to be a stretch or a reach goal so you have to work for it. If a goal is too easy you won’t work for it and put the effort in. Below are my goals for 2023!

goals for 2023

Goals for 2023

Below are the different categories of goals for 2023! 

Business Goals for 2023

I want to have 500 email subscribers on my email list.

I want to try running ads on social media to help me grow my list.

I want to create 150 products on my TPT store - Jackie Partridge Art. 

I want to create 10 new designs on Society6 - Jackie Partridge.

Art Goals for 2023

I want to have 2-5 new art grants this year to fund my artwork. 

I want to have 5-10 art exhibitions this year. 

I want to set up a new studio in my new house.

I want to make cyanotypes and paper this year. 

Social Media Goals for 2023

I want to have over 1000 followers on Instagram on both of my accounts - @jackiepartridge_ and @jackiepartridgeart

I want to have over 500 subscribers on YouTube - Jackie Partridge Art 

Revenue Goals for 2023

I want to have consistent 3-4 figure months of sales on TPT.

I want to be able to make my salary through my art business this year. 

I want to do 2 art markets.

I want to get my artwork into a local shop. 

Personal Goals for 2023

I want to make healthy food choices. 

I want to go for a walk daily. 

Family Goals for 2023

I want to go on a hike monthly and enjoy time in nature with my family a couple of times a month. I want to visit with family or friends once a month. I want to plan a family vacation or a couple of small getaways. I want to have a date night once a month when the baby is old enough. 

I hope you enjoyed my goals for 2023. I would love to know your goals for 2023! Let me know in the comments!

Related Articles:

Check out my goals from last year

Visit my YouTube Channel 

Visit my Society6 Store for art prints 

Visit my TPT store

2022 Year in Review

2022 is coming to end and it is time to look back and reflect on the year. Here is my 2022 year in review for my art! A lot has happened this year and I want to share it with you. This is a great time for you to reflect on your favourite memories of 2022 too! 

My Art Goals for 2022

Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 3-4x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month), TikTok weekly 

Social media takes time. I recently started a tiktok - Jackie Partridge Art.  I would like to try paid ads this year.

I decided to switch to posting to YouTube once a month this year as it is a ton of work and I am working full time as a teacher. I am still starting with tiktok -you can find me on -Jackie Partridge Art. I would like to do more next year.

Update: I did pretty well with this. Lots of life changes prevented me from posting as consistent as I would have liked to.

Excited to announce we are expecting our first child in May 2023!

2022 year in review Jackie Partridge

Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

I have been getting more exhibitions and artist grants since I have been consistently applying to art application calls.

I did well at applying to exhibitions and art calls and usually applied to 4 or so per month. As a result I had a lot more exhibitions this year! 

I had a few big exhibitions this year and a couple of grants from Pat the Dog Theatre Company and Ontario Arts Council.

Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

Once a month Gordie and I made it a habit of hiking, campinging or walking outside. I’ve taken lots of photos that I have shared on Instagram

We didn’t go outside hiking or camping as much as I wanted to but when we did we had a lot of fun. 

Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income. I would like to match my current teaching income before the end of 2022. These are my current streams of revenue:

  • Art grants/awards and artist fees

  • Art workshops and coaching 

  • Selling art teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers

  • Selling my original art 

  • Selling my cyanotype prints on Society6


I did a lot better at making consistent sales with my art. I still have a ways to go but I am getting there and enjoying the journey! 

My sales on my Teachers Pay Teachers have really improved. I did two holiday art markets that were successful and sold more art online this year!

Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 5pm, no marking on the weekend. No working camps.

This past summer I worked the month of July at a day camp at my school. I was very intentional not to start working on school stuff until the end of August so that I could have a break from school. Make art during school breaks- I plan on not working at camps this year so that I have more time to focus on my art and business. 

I did well not working at camps this year which gave me more time to work on my art and I’m so happy with the progress I have made! I also did well not working on school stuff outside of school hours.

Make art each month- I want to get back to making art each month. It is something that I put off like exercising. I want to be able to prioritize both.  - I have done better at this!

2022 Goals 

  • Exercise 2x a week - rough in the winter but got better in the spring and for the rest of the year 

  • Match my teaching salary in my art income

  • Purchase a Home 

  • ✅Have 5 exhibitions or publications - Kitchener Public Library two person exhibition, Cambridge Art Gallery Show.21, Art Comp in London, ON, Forest Spaces- Contact Photo Festival in Toronto, Moving Forward, Three Sisters Cultural Centre, St. Jacob’s, ON, INPRINT Exhibition, Button Factory Arts, Waterloo, ON.

  • Grow my mailing list by 500 people 

  • Grow my YouTube to 500 subscribers 

  • Have 200 products in my TPT store  - this was a hard goal - I later changed it to 100 because that was more realistic - haha ✅

2022 Year in Review 

Overall, 2022 was a great year. I worked as a teacher teaching my grade 5s who I had in Grade 4 and then I had some of them in my grade 4,5,6 class. I learned a lot about Montessori education from work. I took business courses and read a lot of business books.

Thank you so much for following on this journey. I appreciate you being here and supporting me along the way.

Here Are Some FREE Ways To Support Me (If You Aren’t Doing Them Already)

Lastly, I would appreciate it if you like something I post to like, comment or share to help me to reach more people! 

Related Articles:

Shop Fine Art 

Shop Botanical Prints 

Art Goals for 2022

My Art Goals Examples 

Here are some tangible art goals examples to feel inspired when it comes to making your own art goals. You can change and adjust your art goals through out the year. You don’t need to wait for January 1st to make your art goals happen! Check out my art goals examples below! 

Jackie partridge outside in nature as her art goal example

My Art Goals Examples 

Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 3-4x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month), TikTok weekly 

Social media takes time. I recently started a tiktok - Jackie Partridge Art.  I would like to try paid ads this year 

Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

I have been getting more exhibitions and artist grants since I have been consistently applying to art application calls. 

Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

Once a month Gordie and I made it a habit of hiking, campinging or walking outside. I’ve taken lots of photos that I have shared on Instagram

Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income. I would like to match my current teaching income before the end of 2022. These are my current streams of revenue:

  1. Art grants/awards and artist fees

  2. Art workshops and coaching 

  3. Selling art teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers

  4. Selling my original art 

  5. Selling my cyanotype prints on Society6

you got this sign for your art goals

Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 5pm, no marking on the weekend. No working camps.

This past summer I worked the month of July at a day camp at my school. I was very intentional not to start working on school stuff until the end of August so that I could have a break from school. Make art during school breaks- I plan on not working at camps this year so that I have more time to focus on my art and business. 

Make art each month- I want to get back to making art each month. It is something that I put off like exercising. I want to be able to prioritize both. 

2022 Goals 

  • Exercise 2x a week

  • Match my teaching salary in my art income

  • Purchase a Home 

  • Have 5 exhibitions or publications 

  • Grow my mailing list by 500 people 

  • Grow my YouTube to 500 subscribers 

  • Have 200 products in my TPT store

Related Articles

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

5 Tips to Stay Motivated as an Artist 

5 Tips to Sleep Better as an Artist

If you found these art goals examples helpful please leave a comment below. Be sure to follow me on social media by clicking one of the icons below! 

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

6 tips for hitting your art goals this year! This year you can make your goals come true! How did you do sticking to the goals you made last year? Do you even remember them? Here are some tips about sticking to your goals, so you don’t lose track of them this year! 

I love planning, making lists and achieving my goals. It does take work though..

Here is a list of my 6 tips to help you hit your art goals this year!


# 1 Sticking to Your Goals - check on them

In order to keep my goals I need to review them and to check in on them.

I plan my goals near the end of December a year in advance and I review my goals every four months to adjust them accordingly.

Each month, I check on my monthly goals and put a check mark beside the completed ones. I have a new agenda this year that has a section for goals at the start of each month which really helps! If you don't have this you can always set up reminders on your phone, write on a calendar or create to-do/goals lists.

It's important to check on a goal's progress because if you have many goals you can easily forget.

Pro Tip: If you are working on a larger goal you can break it into smaller chunks that are easier to manage!


#2 Your Goals Aren't Permanent!

Life happens... Before you know it you meet your goal or you decide the timing isn't right. You are allowed to change your mind - because they are your goals! I like to give myself some grace and I'm not hard on myself when I am no longer aiming for a goal. I'm still figuring out what kind of artist I want to become and what I want my life to look like in the future.

artist practicing her painting with a palette knife


#3 You Need to be Invested and Know Why

You have to want your goals- and not believe you should make them because what society is telling you. Part of sticking to goals is figuring out why you want them in the first place. This drive keeps you motivated. So, if you don't know why you want something, think deeper or even try journalling.

A goal needs intention behind it. It helps when a goal has clarity too because it will be something that you can easily visualize.


#4 Does Your Goal Inspire You and Excite You?

Like Marie Kondo says "does it spark joy" if it does, it's something you will treasure something you will continue to work on. If it doesn't you won't - it's that simple! The more excited you are, the more urgency there is to finish it.

A goal should be exciting but still believable to you.

woman writing down her artist goals

#5 Give Yourself Deadlines for Your Art Goals

I was always an achiever in school and I've found to still be successful out of school it helps to have deadlines. Give yourself a realistic time frame while keeping yourself challenged and accountable! Sometimes, I will make a firm deadline with myself like "If you don't finish this by the end of the day then you can't ..."

The nice thing about applying to different art calls and grants is that they have deadlines associated with them. These deadlines can really help you stay organized.


#6 Reward Yourself for Meeting Your Goals - Make the Process Fun!

Some goals are going to take longer to complete because they require more work and they are bigger goals. I find it helpful to remember to enjoy the journey (although I struggle with this). Don't be afraid to celebrate milestones or to reward yourself with something you want. If the process of goal setting isn't enjoyable you aren't going to be excited about it and it will be harder to stick to your goals.


list to record your art goals this year

Here are my art goals for 2021

Now that I am teaching full time I have to consider what goals are realistic for me and my schedule:

  1. Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 1-2x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month)

  2. Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

  3. Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

  4. Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income.

  5. Keep my website updated monthly- I like reviewing my website at the end of each month to make sure everything is current.

  6. Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 7pm, no marking on the weekend.

  7. Make art during school breaks- Teaching full time has made me really miss having time to make my art.  

6 Tips for achieving your goals. Woman working at a desk

Your Art Goals Might Be…

Working on an Art Portfolio

Check out this post on how to prepare an art portfolio for college or university!

Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Art

Check mine out here for acrylic painting!

Improving Your Acrylic Painting

If one of your goals is getting better at acrylic painting - I can help with that! Download my FREE guide where I show you the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them!